On 6/26/20, Christoph Moench-Tegeder <c...@burggraben.net> wrote:
> ## Donald Wilde (dwil...@gmail.com):
>> I ran into an issue, documented in the attachments, that seems to
>> point to some quantity that does not include version 8 of the port,
>> only 1 - 7. Being a tidy soul, I used make clean first and that
>> resulted in a rebuild of LLVM90 as well.
> This report misses some vital information - e.g. what version of
> FreeBSD this is (and I'm only guessing this is on amd64), which
> would give some clue what the base compiler is. The attachments
> are somewhat incomplete, too - did you even have a look at
> llvm90_makeinstall.txt? Especially the configure output from
> PostgreSQL could have been helpful.

Christoph, please bear with me. It's been long enough since I worked
with FreeBSD that I don't even know what "vital information" I'm not
giving you. I'm peddling as fast as I can, and loving every minute,
but I'm not "there" yet.

This is 12-STABLE as of a few days ago, and yes, it's running on amd64/HAMMER.

I'll see if I can figure out how to get the 'configure output' from a
port... That does seem to be a useful thing to know!


> I can see about two options to get out of that situation:
> - disable option LLVM on postgresql*-server, or
> - make sure there's only one llvm version involved

Cristoph, I am installing ports as they come, out of the box. The
reality is that many ports still use LLVM80, and, even worse, gcc6.

I truly 'get' that you maintainers (too) are peddling as fast as you can! :D

I've applied Martin's workaround to my /etc/make.conf. I am in the
process of rebuilding the whole mule again as advice in response to an
earlier question left me with a very moth-eaten disk.

We'll see if it's happy this time!
Don Wilde
* What is the Internet of Things but a system *
* of systems including humans?                     *
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