On Sun, Apr 19, 2020 at 2:43 PM Adam Weinberger wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 18, 2020 at 10:45 PM Shane Ambler wrote:
> > > On Sat, Apr 18, 2020 at 2:31 PM Tomasz CEDRO wrote:
> > >> My question is can we include both Blender-2.79 and UPBGE in the
> > >> official ports tree next to official Blender release? All dependencies
> > >> are provided,
> >
> > Actually you also need the older openimageio18 port.
> > (..)
> > The need to support an older blender version only relies on the use of
> > the game engine, having started a project using the 2.79 BGE it is not
> > nice to have to start from scratch. This would be the reason to support
> > 2.79 in ports. Unfortunately only one person has shown interest in the
> > nine months since 2.80 was released.
> No, I certainly get it. As awesome as Eevee is, it's a completely
> different paradigm from the internal renderer, and BGE has no analogue
> at all in 2.8x. There's really only three solutions here: (1) We have
> a way for Tomasz to install 2.79, (2) Tomasz starts over using a
> different toolkit, or (3) Tomasz moves to a platform where running
> 2.79 is trivial. Clearly, (1) is the best possible option.
> Shane, if you are able to provide and support a 2.79 port, I'd be
> thrilled to see it in the tree.

Thank you guys! The port and dependencies are already out there ready
for use - once again thank you Shane - yesterday it took ma around
hour to build it all. It would be nice however to have it installed
with just `pkg install blender279` just as on the other platforms.
When maintenance become a problem I will abandon Blender until then I
should have things sorted out.. for instance when we cannot replace
Python 3.5 with 3.6+ and that would mess other ports :-)

> > If you are planning to release your project, you also need to consider
> > support for 2.79 on other systems as well.

On the other platforms I can simply install older version. But I
prefer to have everything on my FreeBSD box and keep myfocus here
rather than having multiple machines for various tasks. This way we
can push forward the functionality and versality of the FreeBSD. I had
my lefts and rights but I always come back to FreeBSD at the end.. so
why not focus here?

Also I can show that all my work is Open-Source BSD based co it can be
closed source safely (at least some parts) :-) I planned to put that
setup on an embedded system and use that as standalone application.
Thus my recent interest in Wayland as faster and smaller replacement
for Xorg.

I know about EEVIE in Blender 2.80+. If there is a way to control it
with Python in Real-Time then I could switch to that way of
operations, but first I need to finish core of my work, then I can
think of moving into different render method or external engine. I am
using it for engineering and simulation purposes, not really gaming.
That was the only Open-Source utility that allowed me to put a Python
code and connect real world sensors with a virtual reality with a
single key stroke. Not to mention modelling and 3D conversions.
Everything changes and eventually I will move forward and invento some
other solution but first things first needs to be finished :-)

Thank you! :-)

CeDeROM, SQ7MHZ, http://www.tomek.cedro.info
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