On Fri, 17 Apr 2020 14:11:11 +0200, Dewayne Geraghty
<dewaynegerag...@gmail.com> wrote:
Its very confusing building ports at the moment. At
there is a release candidate for 2.7.18, while our python 2.7 has been
marked as deprecated with an expiration date. Can the Expiration Date of
2020-12-31 be retracted?
It appears that devel/scons, at least, requires python 2.7 to run; though
it builds with 3.7.
Regards, Dewayne.
Scons is a special one.
Mongodb36 & mongodb40 use scons+python27 to build.
Mongodb42 uses scons+python37 to build. But this port can't be made
because scons is currently build for python2 only.
I created PR https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=241463 a
while ago to try to flavor scons. I hope the maintainer of the port will
take a look sometime in the future.
So this kind of a catch-22. Mongodb can't be upgraded to python3
supporting versions because scons can't be upgraded.
I have no idea if mongodb36 and -40 will be converted to python3 upstream
any day.
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