While preparing upgrading postgresql11 to 12, I changed the poudriere make.conf from DEFAULT_VERSIONS= pgsql=11 to DEFAULT_VERSIONS= pgsql=12 and installed the postgresql12 packages in a different root.
Now while testing migration of data with pg_upgrade, I got ld-elf.so.1: Shared object "libicuuc.so.66" not found, required by "postgres" pg_upgrade requires the none-postgresql libraries on the default path and devel/icu has been moved from 65 to 66 meanwhile. I switched poudrieres make.conf back to pgsql=11 and did a bulk build: — [00:00:48] Committing packages to repository: /hpool/poudriere/data/packages/121amd64-default/.real_1585987682 via .latest symlink [00:00:48] Removing old packages [00:00:48] Built ports: databases/postgresql11-client databases/ip4r devel/icu databases/postgresql11-contrib databases/postgresql11-server pkg now refuses to upgrade these packages on the server: solver: cannot find provide for requirement libicui18n.so.65 when processing package: postgresql11-server solver: cannot find provide for requirement libLLVM-9.so when processing package: postgresql11-server solver: cannot find provide for requirement libicuuc.so.65 when processing package: postgresql11-server No problems to install the pkgs on a test host. I now deleted the packages on the server and tried to re-install them, but pkg refuses it: root@db3:~ # pkg update -f Updating lrau-repo repository catalogue... lrau-repo repository is up to date. All repositories are up to date. root@db3:~ # pkg install postgresql11-server Updating lrau-repo repository catalogue... lrau-repo repository is up to date. All repositories are up to date. The following 3 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked): New packages to be INSTALLED: icu: 66.1,1 postgresql11-client: 11.7 postgresql11-server: 11.7_1 Number of packages to be installed: 3 The process will require 69 MiB more space. 16 MiB to be downloaded. Proceed with this action? [y/N]: y How to fix this? help urgently needed as DBs on db3 are down! Axel --- PGP-Key: CDE74120 ☀ computing @ chaos claudius
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