On 03.04.2020 16:47, Kurt Jaeger wrote:

>>  I don't know, is it generic for Akamai or TI-specific.
>>  I think, somebody with official hat (FreeBSD Foundation speakperson?)
>> should contact TI and Akamai about this situation. Faking User-Agent
>> could be only temporary solution!
> I've opened a case with ti.com, CS0177749.
> I guess this will take some time to resolve. Someone from akamai
> suggests that it might be some mis-selected option selected
> for the CDN from akamai and that TI should get in touch with
> the akamai support to get it sorted.
> Let's see the efficiency of the free markets at work 8-)

 Thank you very much!

// Lev Serebryakov

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