Hi @lbutlr,

On 6/6/19 12:22 PM, @lbutlr wrote:
> On Jun 6, 2019, at 8:15 AM, Janky Jay, III <jan...@unfs.us> wrote:
>> I had to do a "portsnap fetch extract" and install audio/lame via ports
>> to get this to work. Now I have a full ports environment for just one
>> dependency. It's a small VM that is only used for certain things so I
>> try to use space sparingly. This makes it somewhat of an issue.
> You do not have to install the entire ports tree to install a package from 
> ports.
> # svnlite checkout https://svn.freebsd.org/ports/head/audio/lame

        I understand this. In this case, audio/lame only had one dependency
(cmake) which I could install using "pkg" first. However, if it has
multiple dependencies that require non-default options, you would
certainly need more than one port checked out. Hunting that down can be
kind of a pain so I just tossed the whole tree in there.

>> The real issue, though, is that this was installed using "pkg" and does
>> not work correctly due to audio/lame being a dependency that does not
>> have a package. Hence the reason the maintainer will be removing
>> audio/lame as a dependency.
> Yep, that does seem like an issue.

        Yeah.. :(
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