On Thu, Feb 21, 2019 at 10:24:51AM -0800, Steve Kargl wrote:
> As anyone tried adding an empty sections to FreeBSD's
> libgcc_s,
> /*
>  * Empty sections to work around FreeBSD abusing the name 
>  * of a well-known GCC library.
>  */
> GCC_4.6.0 {
> } GCC_4.3.0;
> GCC_4.7.0 {
> } GCC_4.6.0;
> GCC_4.8.0 {
> } GCC_4.7.0;
> GCC_7.0.0 {
> } GCC_4.8.0;

Interesting.  The above does put symbols into libgcc_s.so,

% objdump -x /usr/obj/usr/src/amd64.amd64/lib/libgcc_s/libgcc_s.so | more
1 0x01 0x04bd5c11 libgcc_s.so.1
2 0x00 0x0b792650 GCC_3.0
3 0x00 0x0b792653 GCC_3.3
4 0x00 0x09265f61 GCC_3.3.1
5 0x00 0x0b792654 GCC_3.4
6 0x00 0x09265e62 GCC_3.4.2
7 0x00 0x09265e64 GCC_3.4.4
8 0x00 0x09275a60 GCC_4.0.0
9 0x00 0x09276060 GCC_4.2.0
10 0x00 0x09275f60 GCC_4.3.0
11 0x00 0x09275460 GCC_4.6.0
12 0x00 0x09275360 GCC_4.7.0
13 0x00 0x09275260 GCC_4.8.0
14 0x00 0x092a5a60 GCC_7.0.0

whether the symbols added to GCC_4.6.0, 4.7.0, 4.8.0, and 7.0.0
are needed remains to been seen.
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