## Christoph Moench-Tegeder (c...@burggraben.net):

> I'll try reproducing this once I've an idle CPU

I let it run over night, and there we are:

build started at Fri Feb 15 05:39:35 CET 2019
port directory: /usr/ports/cad/freecad
package name: FreeCAD-0.17.13541_6
building for: FreeBSD elch.exwg.net 11.2-RELEASE-p9 FreeBSD 11.2-RELEASE-p9 
1102000 amd64
maintained by: c...@freebsd.org
Makefile ident:      $FreeBSD: head/cad/freecad/Makefile 492522 2019-02-09 
21:04:06Z cmt $
Poudriere version: 3.2.8
Host OSVERSION: 1200086
Jail OSVERSION: 1102000
Job Id:

Installed packages to be REMOVED:

Number of packages to be removed: 1

The operation will free 287 MiB.
[elch.exwg.net] [1/1] Deinstalling FreeCAD-0.17.13541_6...
[elch.exwg.net] [1/1] Deleting files for FreeCAD-0.17.13541_6: .......... done
build of cad/freecad | FreeCAD-0.17.13541_6 ended at Fri Feb 15 05:53:28 CET 
build time: 00:13:53

So, it works in the reference environment, with default options.
What's different in your system?


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