There is a dependency recursion loop in the build process for editors/vim if one selects the GTK3 config menu option. The only way I've found so far to get around this is to choose the GTK2 option instead. With GTK3 selected, graphics/librsvg2 becomes a dependency, which, in turn, is dependent upon lang/vala. lang/vala depends upon devel/dconf, which depends upon devel/gconf2. devel/gconf2 depends upon graphics/graphviz, which depends upon lang/vala! The recursion occurs there and was found by following the instructions in UPDATING for the upgrade to perl5.28 when using portmaster. The command shown in the instructions is "portmaster -f", so the -f forces all dependencies and dependent ports to be rebuilt. As nearly as I can see, this dependency recursion loop breaks any port involving lang/vala when portmaster -f is used. In the case of editors/vim, a usable workaround is to choose gtk2 instead of gtk3, but for many other ports, the perl upgrade's admonition to rebuilt ports that depend upon the perl library to omit -f when using portmaster while providing portmaster a *complete list* of all ports to be built. Provided an acceptable version of lang/vala is already installed, it will be used, and the dependency loop gets skipped over because there is no need to build lang/vala. Of course, if one does that, there is no guarantee that the resulting binaries installed for any of the ports in the recursion loop will function properly, given that they may be based upon obsolete versions of the other ports in the loop.
Scott Bennett, Comm. ASMELG, CFIAG ********************************************************************** * Internet: bennett at *xor* bennett at * *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * "A well regulated and disciplined militia, is at all times a good * * objection to the introduction of that bane of all free governments * * -- a standing army." * * -- Gov. John Hancock, New York Journal, 28 January 1790 * ********************************************************************** _______________________________________________ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""