On Mon, Sep 24, 2018, 22:04 Lorenzo Salvadore via freebsd-ports <
freebsd-ports@freebsd.org> wrote:

> > I am trying to update cad/brlcad there's an open issue on the Bugzilla
> that
> > I'd like to resolve.
> >
> > I'm getting this error both in poudriere but now it's also showing up
> when
> > trying to build outside of poudriere.
> >
> > Here is the build log
> > https://transfer.sh/bn41v/brlcad-7.26.4_8.log
> >
> > this is a .shar file with the changes
> > https://transfer.sh/wVh1c/brlcad-7.26.4.shar
> >
> > both my machine and poudriere are on r338902
> >
> > Is this link error only affecting me?
> I am testing both the actual version of brlcad and your changes. Since I
> have a
> slow computer, this will take some time (if someone else with a more
> powerful
> computer can perform the tests in less time it is welcomed).
I have been unofficially maintaining this port for a while now.

> While we wait the results, here are two suggestions:
> - ask the mantainer: he is the probably the one that knows better the port
> and hence
> the best person that can help you (since you are dealing with a bug
> report, you might
> like to contact him through this same bug report);
> - I gave a quick look to your changes and seen the line
> CMAKE_ARGS+= -DBRLCAD_BUNDLED_LIBS=ON. Bundled libraries often bring
> problems
> and, since you are having a linking problem, this might be the cause;
> anyway, you should
> avoid using them if you can
> (see
> https://www.freebsd.org/doc/en/books/porters-handbook/bundled-libs.html )
I typically port all required libs but brlcad is a special set of tools.
The linker worked to find earlier but recently stopped.

I have want to use native libs but that's a much larger project that needs
to be coordinated with the upstream devs.

> If someone else wants to help, it might be useful to give the link to the
> bug report that you are working
> on. Probably this is the link (it is the only open issue on cad/brlcad
> that I found):
> https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=211921

That is indeed the bug report and I've been patching things slowly, yes
there were some issues with man pages, those were fixed and then I updated
my jail to do one last test before submitting this new patch but then this
issue shows up.

> Lorenzo Salvadore.
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