I sent an email to the maintainer of these ports (t...@freebsd.org) a few
days ago, but didn't hear back - so I thought I'd raise the same question
to the mailing list instead.


Hey there!  I was wondering something about the php-gd ports
(specifically 7.2 but earlier as well).  Looking at the config options
I see this:

     X11=on: Enable XPM support

With this option enabled php-gd can read XPixMap images, but in turn
this pulls in a host of additional X11 dependencies.  That's an awful
lot for (usually) headless servers, especially for an image format
that is (relatively) unused.  I don't mind the option being there but
because it is defaulted to "on", that means official FreeBSD packages
are built with this support and all the dependencies.  On my system I
have to manually build this one port just to turn off the option.

Would it be possible to modify the defaults for this port so that
X11=off by default?  Or, why is the default to "on"?  (I have a guess,
that this respects WITHOUT_X11 in /etc/make.conf, but that's useless
for pre-built binary packages)

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