tech-lists writes:

>  > _This_  is really annoying.  I try to keep my systems with exactly
>  > what they need installed, to reduce both bloat and possibly security
>  > issues.
>  YES. This for me is *exactly* why it is so infuriating. And
>  doubleplus regarding security. Followed closely by something
>  installing the py-27 version when I wanted the 36-version.
>  I'd like to have the latest stable python for everything that
>  requires it. Like I have with perl. I think that means py-36. I
>  don't want py-27.  I'd like to enforce that, but seemingly I can't,
>  because the invocation in make.conf for default version does not
>  enforce it in all situations.
>  If something wants another version of python, I want it to fail,
>  ideally spitting out a usable reason why. Is my position
>  unreasonable? I hope it isn't. Maybe it is? I dunno.

        Let's see if the folks on python@ have better information.


                                Robert Huff

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