On Fri, 14 Sep 2018, the wise Lorenzo Salvadore via freebsd-ports wrote:

Show us your makefile please.

The Makefile I have so far:

PORTNAME=               pgadmin4
PORTVERSION=            3.3
CATEGORIES=             databases
MASTER_SITES=           PGSQL/pgadmin/pgadmin4/v${PORTVERSION}/source/
DISTNAME=               pgadmin4-${PORTVERSION}

MAINTAINER=             mb...@xs4all.nl
COMMENT=                PostgreSQL Administration Tool

LICENSE=                PostgreSQL

BUILD_DEPENDS           sphinx-build:textproc/py-sphinx
USES=                   pgsql python qmake:outsource qt:5
USE_QT=                 core gui network widgets

.include <bsd.port.mk>

When I created my first port, I remember I had some difficulty to understand staging: imho it needs to be explained better in the documentation. Are you aware of the variable ${STAGEDIR}? You probably need to add to your makefile some lines similar to the followings:


Quite possible that it's something like this. I'll dig into it.



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