On 07/03/2018 17:38, David Marec wrote:
> Hello,
> Some days ago, the port games/wesnoth was removed from my poudriere
> builds, because of boost libraries mismatches I guess.
> So that, I decided to port a newer version of the game (1.14.%) to
> FreeBSD. If the port "works for me", it 'be better to provide a
> port-tree compliant installation.
> If I'm running FreeBSD for years, it's the first time I am writing a
> Makefile for the port tree.
> Thanks to the porters-handbook, (and the original wesnoth Makefile)
> I was able to write a Makefile and provides a couple of patches.
> One can find the files below:
> https://gitlab.com/TurtleCrazy/wesnoth_1_14_freebsd
> Now, as a beginner, I have some questions regarding the Makefile to be
> included in the port tree.
> First, the CMake file provides one option to disable the installation
> of the game itself.
> This might be use to run game servers only. It also avoid the
> installation of SDL2 libs.
> This option was not defined on the previous port, so I wonder if there
> is a need for it.
> It could be done by adding  the following lines:
> GAME_DESC=    The game client
> GAME_USE_SDL= image2 mixer2 net2 ttf2 sdl2
> Second, the pkg-plist is missing. - what makes poudriere testport to
> fail. -
> I did not find suitable information in the handbook that explains
> how to fill it. Any clue may be helpful.
> Next, some sets of options requires additional boost libraries.
> as
> * unit_test_framework
> * iostreams program_options regex system thread random
> The Makefile need some reworks to allow fine-grained  dependencies
> Finally, what about the entry name in the port tree ?
> Feel free to correct the code, moreover: be "-pedantic".
> regards,

I can at least help on the pkg-plist file....

in the port directory:

make makeplist
cp work/.staged-plist pkg-plist

you'll have to verify that everything's ok in it, but as long as you
didn't do any plist substitutions, I think it'll be fine.

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