On Tue, Jun 26, 2018 at 01:27:49PM +0200, Miroslav Lachman wrote: > Miroslav Lachman wrote on 2017/06/27 19:32: > > Matthias Fechner wrote on 2017/06/27 18:29: > > > Dear all, > > > > > > it is always a pain if pkg upgrade a lot of packages to restart all > > > services to make sure update/security fixes are applied to all running > > > services. > > > > > > Is there an option in pkg that it restart services automatically or is > > > it OK if I would add a post-install script to the packages (I maintain) > > > that will include a "service foo restart"? > > > > > > What is best practice here? > > > > Please don't do this. > > Some ports did this in the past and this was really a pain during larger > > upgrades. It sometimes leave services stopped (hi MySQL). > > > > The same bad practice is disabling / enabling Apache modules on upgrade. > > > > pkg upgrade should just do it's work - upgrade packages on disk. But > > manipulating config files and restart of services is up to me - the > > Administrator (or my tools). > > > > It would be nice to have some kind of "hooks" in pkg, which can be used > > to notify deployment tools that some services should be (re)started, or > > do restart in some simpler environment if user allows this (setup hooks > > for service restart). > > But is must not be done automatically for individual ports / packages > > even if maintainer thinks it is Good Idea (tm) > > Again and again and again... > > Can we have some written (or do we have?) policy to not stop/start/restart > services from some @preunexec / @postexec targets? > I really don't like that some packages are still shutting down or trying to > restart in the middle of the pkg upgrade process.
There is a policy, it MUST NOT be done. Services are stopped and started with the rc file they install, and pkg does it when its configuration variable HANDLE_RC_SCRIPTS is set to true. Please point out to ports doing this so that they can be fixed. -- Mathieu Arnold
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