On Fri, 25 May 2018 12:05:40 +0200 "Jan Bramkamp" <cr...@rlwinm.de> said
On 25.05.18 09:29, Bernhard Fröhlich wrote:
> On Fri, May 25, 2018 at 12:24 AM, Chris H <portmas...@bsdforge.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, 24 May 2018 22:16:42 +0200 "Bernhard Froehlich" <de...@bluelife.at>
>> said
>>> Am 24.05.2018 21:06 schrieb Chris H <portmas...@bsdforge.com>:
>>>> On Thu, 24 May 2018 19:39:22 +0200 "Jason A. Donenfeld"
>>>> <ja...@zx2c4.com>
>>>> said >
>>>>> Hi Chris, > > > > On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 3:38 PM, Chris H
>>>>> <portmas...@bsdforge.com> wrote: > > > I should have no trouble
> introducing
>>>>> Wireguard to the ports system today.
>>>>>>>> I'm not a native fluent speaker of FreeBSDese, but my
>>>>>>>> understanding is: > > a) Bernhard committed the two new packages to
> ports
>>>>>>>> today. > > b) If you update ports with portsnap, you can build them
> locally.
>>>>>>>>>> c) If you run `pkg install wireguard`, it fails because the build >
> >
>>>>>>>> servers haven't gotten to them and won't for several days. > > > >
> Does your
>>>>>>>> statement about "introducing WireGuard to the ports system" > > mean
> that
>>>>>>>> you intend to rectify (c) immediately, so we don't have to > > wait
> several
>>>>>>>> days for the build snapshot scripts to tick in cron? Or > > is it
> mostly
>>>>>>>> just related to not realizing (a)? > Sigh... > It was my understanding
> that
>>>>>>>> when I stepped up to adopt WireGuard, > and your ack to that. That *I*
> would
>>>>>>>> be adding the port. I wasn't able > to produce the port that same, or
> next
>>>>>>>> day, as I am already Maintainer > for nearly 150 ports. I have no
> trouble
>>>>>>>> with that list, except that > clang/llvm v5, and shortly after v6
> became the
>>>>>>>> default versions in $BASE. > Which introduced a few pr(1)'s I needed
> to deal
>>>>>>>> with. > Now all the time I have spent researching, and staging to
> build the
>>>>>>>> port > have been laid to waste. Apparently you rescinded, and gave it
> to
>>>>>>>> Bernhard. > This project doesn't feel like a good match to me. > No
> hard
>>>>>>>> feelings, Bernhard. Have fun with the port.
>>> Hi Chris,
>>> I'm sorry that I was confusing people which was really not my intention. I
>>> have also seen your ACK to create the ports and replied to you in private
>>> to
>>> offer my help. Then I joined in IRC and just wanted to get an idea how far
>>> the FreeBSD support was. I ended up creating two very rough ports which
>>> did
>>> build but not pass poudriere and called it a day. I also did send you and
>>> the
>>> list a mail to avoid duplicate work - and hoped you take it as a base.
>>> But I did not get any reply on the next day so I kept going and finished
>>> the
>>> ports yesterday with some good help from upstream.
>>> Sorry for how that developed but I hoped you get in contact with either me
>>> or
>>> upstream which neither happened. We usually do not have the problem that
>>> too
>>> many people want to help out so I did not expect that this will be a
>>> problem
>>> for anyone.
>> Ahem. OK thank you for the kind words, and intentions, Bernhard. Like I
>> said;
>> no hard feelings. If you've already gotten that far. You might as well
>> finish.
>> FWIW while you *did* indeed shoot me, and the list a couple of notes. I was
>> never under the impression you were going to take it so far. Which
>> *ultimately*
>> left everyone concerned believing *you* were going to maintain it.
>> I only mention it, in hopes all of us might use the --verbose switch in the
>> future, in hopes of avoiding this sort of nonsense. :-) :-)
>> Thanks again, Bernhard!
>> --Chris
>> P.S. just in case it wasn't clear; feel free to finish, and submit your
>> work.
>> P.P.S. Just so you (and everyone else) knows; I'm already working on the
>> kernel module. Please keep in touch, should you also be interested, and
> have
>> any work of your own.
> Hi chris,
> to be crystal clear about that. My motivation is not to be maintainer
> of any specific
> port or anything like that but only to have technology available on
> FreeBSD that I
> personally need and/or want.
> Usually for more complex ports this did lead to team efforts on our porting
> work
> which was also what I did expect to happen for wireguard. Well it
> turned out to be
> easier than thought and upstream was also very helpful so in the end
> that was more
> like a one day of work effort to get the basic ports.
> Nevertheless I would still be very happy to increase the bus factor
> and team up with
> multiple people to maintain wireguard. I think there will be more work
> to be done in the
> near future for wireguard on FreeBSD where a team effort would speed
> up things for
> sure:
> - we need to support FreeNAS and pfsense to get it into their package
> systems
> - documentation is still needed because it differs a bit from upstream
> documentation (Handbook page?)
> - wireguard kernel module (can that work already be seen somewhere?
> upstream will be interested for sure)
> - rc script(s)
> - the regular maintenance for the port
The wireguard userspace tooling isn't that simple to use reliably. You
have to spawn the wireguard-go process before the config can be loaded
and it can die in the meantime and to you want to terminate it and
destroy the tun interface if the config contains errors. Doing this
without ugly hacks isn't possible given the interfaces offered by
wireguard-go. It would be really nice to be able to terminate
wireguard-go over the unix domain socket instead of a pkill.
Agreed. This bugged me too. Plumbing all this through a UNIX socket
should be mandatory IMHO.
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