On 2018-05-24 11:21, Miroslav Lachman wrote:
> Johannes Lundberg wrote on 2018/05/24 11:03:
>> On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 9:27 AM Bob Eager <r...@tavi.co.uk> wrote:
>>> On Thu, 24 May 2018 09:08:17 +0100
>>> Johannes Lundberg <johal...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> In addition to that it would be nice (if it's not already done) to
>>>> store this information in a log file somewhere so that one can
>>>> revisit and see what needs to be manually configured for each
>>>> installed package.
>>> I have this in syslog.conf:
>>>   !pkg,pkg-static
>>>   *.*                                             /var/log/pkg.log
> I think only changes are logged, not messages:
> Apr 26 23:50:22 maja pkg: p5-DBI reinstalled: 1.641 -> 1.641
> Apr 26 23:50:22 maja pkg: mariadb101-client upgraded: 10.1.31 -> 10.1.32_2
> Apr 26 23:50:22 maja pkg: libnghttp2 upgraded: 1.31.0 -> 1.31.1
>> Thanks for the tip. I'll use this.
>> However, someone who knows about this probably know how to manually
>> configure their system already.
>> I want to make sure first timers and newbies don't miss important messages
>> on how to configure the system.
>> Often we get inquires about stuff that is clearly described in the pkg
>> message and bug reports that are a consequence of wrong configuration.
>> How can we make this more clear so that it is not missed?
> As Eugene already noted - syscons has scrollback buffer. Did you tried 
> "Scroll Lock" on your keyboard?
> If you need to re-show message of any installed package, "pkg info -D" (or 
> pkg info --pkg-message) is your friend. Nothing is lost. You can view it 
> anytime.

For mass updating you can try the script utility, on FreeBSD there is an 
additional '-q' parameter.
 $ script -q /tmp/MyScriptLog pkg ....
 $ col -xb < /tmp/MyScriptLog > /tmp/MyScriptLog.readable

On other platforms:
 $ script /tmp/MyScriptLog
 $ pkg ....
 $ exit   (exits only the script util)
 $ col -xb < /tmp/MyScriptLog > /tmp/MyScriptLog.readable

Now all outputs are covered in the log (stdout and stderr)

br. olli
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