Hi Mel,

On 02/16/2018 05:02 AM, Mel Pilgrim wrote:
> On 2018-02-14 19:13, Janky Jay, III wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> May have spoken too soon...
>> On 2/14/2018 7:45 PM, Janky Jay, III wrote:
>>> Hello Mel,
>>> On 2/13/2018 7:42 AM, Mel Pilgrim wrote:
>>>> (Putting on my mail/postfixadmin maintainer hat)
>>>> On 2018-02-11 15:24, Janky Jay, III wrote:
>>>>> Hello All,
>>>>> Versions: FreeBSD - 11.1-RELEASE-p6 PostfixAdmin - 3.1 Smarty3
>>>>> - 3.1.30
>>>> Postfixadmin bundles its own copy of Smarty, and in PFA 3.1 it's
>>>> Smarty 3.1.29. Installing www/smarty3 isn't necessary. Are you
>>>> using it for something else?
>>> Ah. That's very interesting. The only reason I had Smarty3
>>> installed was for PFA (must have been before it shipped with it's
>>> own version, maybe?). I remember a while back I uninstalled it
>>> because it was an unused leaf port and immediately PFA stopped
>>> working with Smarty3 errors in the http logs. I've just removed
>>> Smarty3 again and PFA seems to work just fine. I have no idea
>>> what's going on anymore. :)
>>> Thanks a ton for the reply, though! I've got my PFA back!
>>     I've removed Smarty3 and the login page presents itself (and allows
>> me to login) without any issue. However, attempting to view anything
>> within PFA (such as virtual mailboxes or domains), I see the following
>> error(s) in the http log file:
>> PHP Warning:
>> require_once(/usr/local/share/smarty3/plugins/function.html_options.php)
> So something is rewriting the Smarty path from PFA's
> /usr/local/www/postfixadmin/smarty/libs to what I'm guessing is the path
> used by the now-removed www/smarty3.
> This sounds like a caching issue.  After removing www/smarty3, did you:
> - check there were no lingering Smarty Apache/PHP config bits in
> httpd.conf, php.ini, etc.;
> - restart Apache and, if applicable, the PHP module;
> - delete everything in templates_c?
> There aren't any configurable options that would change from where
> postfixadmin includes Smarty, but the path it uses is set as SMARTY_DIR
> in smarty/libs/Autoloader.php and the correct value is ''.

        Thanks again for the replies. I do appreciate it. I did remove any
config bits from Apache/PHP (most specifically the path to smarty3 in
php.ini) and restarted Apache. However, I did not empty the
"templates_c" directory (DUH!). That seems to have done the trick! Looks
like PFA is back to working again. Thanks again, Mel!

Janky Jay, III

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