On Mon, Jan 08, 2018 at 09:39:56AM +1100, Greg 'groggy' Lehey wrote:
> ....
> > This was accompanied by zillions of notes, warning me to "do this" and
> > "avoid doing that" etc.  Err, were those notes squirreled away somewhere,
> > or do I have to hope that I don't lose the window and its scrollback
> > buffer?
> I pipe the output of pkg to a file.  It's worth the trouble.  I don't
> know any other way to keep track of what this particular instance did.
> The notes themselves are in the pkg-message file for the individual
> ports.
> .....

My practice has been to run such commands within script(1).  (This iis
also helpful if I need to show someone else exactly what commands were
issued and what the responses were.)

David H. Wolfskill                              da...@catwhisker.org
A "Birther" calls himself a "a very stable genius" -- same level of truth? 

See http://www.catwhisker.org/~david/publickey.gpg for my public key.

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