> On 20. Dec 2017, at 13:32, Baptiste Daroussin <b...@freebsd.org> wrote:
>> On Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 09:20:20AM +0000, Johannes Lundberg wrote:
>> Hi
>> I want to suggest that we enable wayland by default. In current state
>> having some parts of wayland in ports is basically useless the
>> end-users themselves re-build gtk30 and mesa-libs with wayland
>> enabled.
>> libwayland-egl.so from mesa-libs and the extra libraries and headers
>> from gtk30 adds like a few KB, a drop in the ocean compared to xorg
>> packages. (might be something more that I missed)
>> Personally I see no reason not to make it default on, even with
>> flavors coming up. For any Desktop user (as well as embedded devices
>> like IVI-systems and whatnot), Wayland is the future. There's no
>> escaping that.
>> Wayland has been quite usable on FreeBSD for over a year now but
>> access to it is limited due to the extra efforts required to use it.
>> If we are to compare with the other guys, several Linux distros are
>> already switching to wayland-based compositors as default window
>> server.
>> What do you think?
> I agree on that, we should activate wayland everywhere by defualt, as it does
> not prevent at all from having a fully fonctionnal regular X working as well.
> All wayland option should be on, and this as nothing to do with flavors :)
> Please do it :)
> Best regards,
> Bapt

I add my "vote" from the X11 list: Yes please, I had exactly that problem 

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