On Tue, 12 Dec 2017 08:59:04 +0100 "Guido Falsi" <m...@madpilot.net> said

On 12/09/2017 01:34, Chris H wrote:
> On Sat, 9 Dec 2017 10:16:54 +1100 (EST) "Dave Horsfall"
> <d...@horsfall.org> said
> >> On Fri, 8 Dec 2017, Steve Kargl wrote:
>> > First, there is movement afoot to remove sendmail from FreeBSD and >
>> replace it with dma(1).
>> There is?  Is there anything else that they're going to spring on us?
>> (I'm still annoyed that they removed "jive" because it upset someone's
>> delicate sensibilities.)
> Hmm. This does not come as good news to me. I've been working on an
> antispam
> system that targets the use of Sendmail, for about a year (not counting the
> untold hours spent tuning it over the years). Sure, many aren't comfortable
> with the m4(1) macros. But c'mon. Please don't.
> As to these backstage removal discussions; is it remotely possible that
> those of whom continue to use, and contribute to *BSD after all these years
> might be included in these discussions?

I just chime in to point out that the discussion is not happening in any

The proposal was sent to the arch mailing list, which is public. I'm not
subscribed to it either but I was pointed there by a fellow user.

Indeed, and thank you, Guido.
I'm not subscribed either, and find myself puzzled as to that choice of lists
to make the announcement. But then again, what do I know. I still want to keep
it in base. :-)


Guido Falsi <m...@madpilot.net>

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