On 2017-Dec-4, at 3:54 PM, Bryan Drewery <bdrewery at FreeBSD.org> wrote:

> On 12/3/2017 8:29 PM, Mark Millard wrote:
>> Note: /usr/ports/ (and so poudriere-devel) as of -r425204 
>> (poudriere-devel-
>> I expect that the below is from ports-mgmt/poudriere-=devel
>> -r454996 and its:
>>  - ports/jail -c NOZFS: Consider non-empty-already-existing-directory a 
>> failure
>> where the change did not cover an explicit use of -m null also
>> being involved to deliberately being using a pre-built
>> world that is located via use of -M PATH .
>> [There is one other side note about a potential
>> issue later below.]
> This and the -S issue should both be fixed in
> poudriere-devel-
> I will release it to 3.2.3 later today. Please let me know if it works
> for you.


I've got competing non-FreeBSD time and
multiple issues across multiple TARGET_ARCH
environments, just trying to get to
/usr/ports/ -r455204 (the last before
FLAVORS was enabled). It may be a while
before my /usr/ports/ vintage catches up to
referencing the 3.2.3 vintage. I have more
to analyze and report on, probably no
ports-mgmt/poudriere-devel fixes being
involved(?). I'm not sure when I'll get
to that analysis.

When I get that far, I'll try to remember
to let you know.

On powerpc64 there is a blocking issue
for my system-clang-based context and
building pkg in poudriere (or anywhere
without a devel/powerpc64-binutils
equivalent being available at the time):
It used to be that the system binutils
was sufficient for that but now it is
not. This need not be viewed as
poudriere's problem but does stop
my testing poudriere in that context.
With a /usr/ports vintage with FLAVORS
enabled I'll likely be limited to direct
Makefile use on clang-based powerpc64,
if understand the state of things

Back to the non-FreeBSD activity. . .

Mark Millard
markmi at dsl-only.net

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