
Why not
teach pkg-audit(8) to query NVD based on CPE annotations in *binary* packages?
Doing so would also provide a workaround for VuXML entries cancelled
to reduce bloat.

I agree, pkg-audit needs to be taught to do that. Along those lines, we could create a port for cvechecker:

But both solutions only handle installed packages.

We would still need something to alert us to CVEs in non-installed software, I think.

Also, I've just looked and it seems only a little over 1000 ports have CPE strings. Adding something to portlint that warned ports developers to add any needed CPE info would be helpful. I think that type of warning has helped us improve LICENSE entries.

One more thought on this topic: a cvececker isn't enough. Looking at security updates of piwik, gitlab, phpmailer and many more: most of the security issues fixed never got an CVE entry. But of course any of the issues could be exploited in one or another way.

But i think cvechecker is a step in the right direction. pkg audit is incredible helpful even with its current restrictions!

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