On 05/10/2017 22:08, Baho Utot wrote:
On 10/05/17 16:27, Grzegorz Junka wrote:
On 05/10/2017 19:54, Baho Utot wrote:
On 10/04/17 16:39, Ernie Luzar wrote:
Here's my take on that.
The future direction has already been decided by the FreeBSD
leaders 2 years ago with their development of a better pkg system.
Don't let the few old school die hearts who are afraid of any
change and make the most noise influence you. There will always be
edge case user who think their needs out weight what is best for
the group.
So what you are really saying is Go to hell old farts we don't need
you here. We are not going to listen to you as you are too old to
know anything. You are old and stupid.
It is looking like I will need to move away from FreeBSD if that is
really what is being accomplished here.
But do those old farts have anything interesting to say or they are
just making noise? What's the alternative to the proposed direction?
Everyone should be heard. who knows if the direction would be the same?
You won't hear from this old fart as every time I have had a question
or input on direction All I got was grief.
The last time was about pkgng. As someone that moved from
LFS/building my own distribution to FreeBSD, and adding a package
manager and tools for LFS. I think I may have learned something in
that process. SO what did you folks do, Well I was just bitch slapped
down. So much for user input. Hell pkgng can not even merge
configurations file in /etc when is that going to be fixed. Also the
packaging of base is just a cluster fuck, there are no other words for
that non sense. When the base packaging was started it was told that
by 11.0 it would be done and here it is at 11.1 and it still a cluster
fuck. Now you want to add flavors, good grief you can not even
finish the other projects that were started how will this flavors
thing work out?
Anyway it looks like I will be moving to OpenBSD or just go back to
rolling my own as I have more free time to pursue building systems
that work for me. FreeBSD just doesn't look like it will be a fit for
me in the future.
What you are saying (or what I am reading) is that the direction isn't
wrong, but rather that there is too much technical debt being left
behind. That's not the same thing. Merging configurations in /etc or
packaging of base are fixable regardless if there are flavours or not.
So, again, what's the alternative to the proposed direction? If you are
saying that there could have been a better alternative if the technical
debt hasn't been left behind then I still don't get it how it would have
made a difference.
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