
After the perl5.24.3 update yesterday, the port fails to build in two
different machines (both 11.1-RELEASE-p1) with the following message:

*===>>> Cleaning for perl5-5.24.3*
*make: don't know how to make post-clean-noflavor. Stop*

*make: stopped in /usr/ports/lang/perl5.24*

*===>>> make clean failed*
*===>>> Aborting update*

After looking in the MakeFile i found a section *post-clean* but not a
I added the *-noflavor *part after the *post-clean* and the port built
fine, but i am not sure if this is the way to go.

Can someone please advice?

Thank you for your time.

Νίκος Καστανάς
email : zerotro...@gmail.com
κιν  : 6944-779210
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