Hello all,

I'm running 

  FreeBSD dane.localdomain 12.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 12.0-CURRENT #0 r320599

with a ports tree synced with svn and package update management with 
portmaster(8).  I synced the tree up to 450554 today and portmaster 
spat out the following.

 /usr/ports# portmaster -m BATCH=yes -D --update-if-newer --no-confirm -a
make: "/usr/ports/Mk/bsd.port.mk" line 1439: Cannot open 
make: Fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue

This occurs for what appears to be six of the ports I have installed.

I notice that r450351--r450354 deal with execinfo, specifically r450351
removes execinfo support.  The ports complaining for my own situation


I've remove the execinfo USES references in these ports' Makefiles and
portmaster no longer complains during the update.

I'm still cutting my teeth on freebsd's ports system, I'm unsure if I 
should submit a PR about this (a grep command seemed to find about 163 
instances of USES containing execinfo) or if I simply don't realize I
that I've hosed my ports tree :/

TiA for any advice,
Keith Hellman                             #include <disclaimer.h>
khell...@mcprogramming.com                from disclaimer import standard
khell...@mines.edu                        gpg key 9FCF40FD
                                          freenode.net as mrtuple

If they want really buzzword-compliant "redundancy" they could add 
another exchange server as part of a "cluster" of "Windows 2003"
servers with "active directory" so that when things break they 
break spectacularly.

-- Jim Ockers, P.Eng. (http://www.ockers.net/); CLUE-Tech mailing list

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