Actually, the problem was in my understanding of PREFIX : I used to 
think that PREFIX is /usr/local/bin. But your answer makes it clear that
it only leads up /usr/local. The rest is pretty much dynamic.

Thanks again

On 08/04/17 13:36, Manish Jain wrote:
> On 08/04/17 13:16, Eugene Grosbein wrote:
>> 04.08.2017 12:43, Manish Jain пишет:
>>> The question is, at this stage, where do I get the default
>>> stage-definitions file from. If I specify stage-definitions among the
>>> package's listing, it will go into one of the standard directories,
>>> which is not what I want.
>> Please re-read Porter's Handbook:
>> It says a port must install all its files under ${PREFIX} only 
>> (/usr/local by default).
>> There is DATADIR for such shared files (expanded to 
>> You should install it there using INSTALL_DATA macro and use 
>> %%DATADIR%% in the pkg-plist,
>> so it gets to /usr/local/share/mkdesktop/ assuming you name your port 
>> "mkdesktop".
> Thanks Eugene for DATADIR : Just what I was looking for.
> Regards
> Manish Jain
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