Hi duglas@

I had the same problem. I completely solved it by rebuilding the dependency chain of devel/subversion:

portmaster serf-1.3.9_1 expat-2.2.1 gettext-runtime- apr- sqlite3-3.19.3_1 subversion-1.9.6

Probably, only one of them is the culprit, but I haven't testet ;)

Best wishes,
Rainer Hurling

Am 11.07.2017 um 18:33 schrieb Torsten Zuehlsdorff:
On 11.07.2017 17:17, duglas wrote:

After upgrading to subversion 1.9.6
My latest svn update attempts result in the following.

svn update /usr/ports
Updating 'ports':
svn: E000022: Error converting entry in directory '/usr/ports' to UTF-8
svn: E000022: Can't convert string from native encoding to 'UTF-8':
svn: E000022: ?\A89'

Coincidentally it also occurs when attempting to update /usr/src and /usr/docs as well.

Attempts to portdowngrade to the 1.9.5 version fail similarly.

Are you sure that this is an update problem?

I remember this error back some time. It occurs only when having non-native file names like "Überraschung.txt" in the repo while using a shell without having correct encoding set.

(Beside: it works for me without the problems you describe :D)


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