Top post on one point. . . Patrick Powell papowell at wrote on Mon Jun 26 14:10:44 UTC 2017 (He was quoting Gerald. I was also part of some earlier discussions.)
> (Luckily this only hits with most -CURRENT versions of FreeBSD and > older packages only.) > > Gerald Unfortunately this part is false if it is about the vm_ooffset_t and vm_pindex_t issue: stable/11/ and release/11.1.0/ also have the vm_ooffset_t and vm_pindex_t issue vs. lang/gcc* packages built by release/11.0.1/ . The issue is not limited to head (12) at this point: Installing a gcc* package built by release/11.0.1/ fails now for stable/11/ and the drafs oft release/11.1.0/ . Anyone progressing to one of those has to build the lang/gcc* of interest from source under the newer system context. (Mixing source builds and package builds is discouraged as I understand.) I'm not claiming which specific handling needs to be made. But the vm_ooffset_t and vm_pindex_t changes did not even make the UPDATING notes. Right now things look to have the worst combination for lang/gcc* when release/11.1.0/ becomes official: lang/gcc* 's break without notification or suggestion of a workaround. === Mark Millard markmi at On 2017-Jun-24, at 5:55 PM, Mark Millard <> wrote: The following is based mostly on an extraction from a private exchange in which a question was asked and my answer was unsettling: incompatibilities within the 11.* family. I would not normally send to re but doing so was explicitly mentioned. Hopefully this example is reasonable for doing that. Aspect #0: what is broken currently (and in the future?) within the 11.* family? lang/gcc* packages built on release/11.0.1/ to not work fully on stable/11/ or on the drafts of release/11.1.0/ . (I leave releng/11.*/'s implicit.) -r313194 in head and was describied with: > Define the vm_ooffset_t and vm_pindex_t types as machine-independend. > > The types are for the byte offset and page index in vm object. They > are similar to off_t, which is defined as 64bit MI integer. Using MI > definitions will allow to provide consistent MD values of vm > object-related maximum sizes. The known issue is the generation of header dependencies in the lang/gcc* builds on release/11.0.1/ that when used on stable/11/ or release/11.0.1/ generate reports like: /usr/local/lib/gcc5/gcc/x86_64-portbld-freebsd11.0/5.4.0/include-fixed/sys/types.h:266:9: error: '__vm_ooffset_t' does not name a type typedef __vm_ooffset_t vm_ooffset_t; ^ /usr/local/lib/gcc5/gcc/x86_64-portbld-freebsd11.0/5.4.0/include-fixed/sys/types.h:268:9: error: '__vm_pindex_t' does not name a type typedef __vm_pindex_t vm_pindex_t; ^ *** [CoinFactorization2.lo] Error code 1 Unfortunately UPDATING was not updated for head/'s -r313194 (2017-Feb-4) --nor for stable/11/'s -r313574 (2017-Feb-11), the MFC. (No MFC was made to stable/10/ or to release/10.3.0 as far as I found.) (These changes predate the INO64 issue in head/ . Head ends up with more issues than I'm dealing with here.) Aspect #1: what 11.* version builds the pre-built packages targeting 11.* and the apparent consequences (given the vm_ooffset_t and vm_pindex_t changes and the lang/gcc* build behavior) This is the unsettling part for pre-built packages: incompatibilities within the 11.* family for the lang/gcc* packages. shows categories for builds for 8.4 9.3 10.1 10.3 11.0 head (Nothing for stable/*/ .) But the 10.3 rows show no package builds. I would guess that they start once 10.1 stops (approximately). So it may be that 11.1 will not get package builds until 11.0 stops (approximately). If so unless lang/gcc* are changed to bootstrap differently they will configure to match release/11.0.1/ and will not be compatible with the vm_ooffset_t and vm_pindex_t changes in stable/11/ and release/11.1.0/ . But as I understand updating how the lang/gcc* builds work to remove such dependencies is under investigation. I do not know any timing relative to release/11.1.0/ if my understanding is right. Until then (if I was right): Unless there are separate packages made for targeting release/11.0.1/ vs. release/11.1.0/ it is not obvious when lang/gcc* packages will be generally compatible with various folks choices about what to install as the system version within the release/11.*/ and stable/11/ family. This would likely be true even if they were built on release/11.1.0/ : then release/11.0.1/ likely would have compatibility problems. The ABI versioning does not cover the specific issues involved based on how vm_ooffset_t and vm_pindex_t were changed and what the lang/gcc* builds do relative to such changes. Yet there is incompatibility for some fairly-significant-usage ports. Aspect #2: stable/10/ and release/10.4.0/ Just covered for completeness: I do not see a MFC of -r313194 to stable/10/ : its sys/sys/types.h dates back to 2015-Oct-10. So it looks like 10.x has a permanent difference in this area: 10.x continues to get separate lang/gcc* package builds from 11.x and later. No problem for this context as far as I know. Note: To simplify I choose to not be explicit about what authors wrote what original text. If that becomes an issue, it is correctable. Blame me for any errors in the above. === Mark Millard markmi at _______________________________________________ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "" _______________________________________________ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""