On 4/6/17 7:07 pm, blubee blubeeme wrote:

Is there anyone on either of these lists that have experience with both
linux low level data structures and their equivalents on FreeBSD?

For instance the linux header file:

which includes the header file:

Then looking at that file:

You are going to have to be a lot more specific about this.
I have worked in several places where they use s shim layer to make Linux basic services work on freeBSD.
usually  a mix of functions, macros and inlines.
However you need to narrow down your questions a bit as the POSSIBLE scope of your question is too large for anyone to attempt an answer.

Remember that both systems are POSIX inspired so outside the kernel there are many more simlarities than one might be led to expect,
 but you need to be way more specific.
It's even possible to write kernel code to run on both, but it is usually domain specific.

I'll be doing a lot of work trying to find these FreeBSD equivalent of
these types of files to port some code.

Does anyone here have experience with something like this? Is there any
other projects that maps these low level data structures from
Linux <-> FreeBSD, etc?

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