On Sat, May 20, 2017 at 05:57:42PM -0400, Johannes M Dieterich wrote:
> Dear Steve,
> thanks for your comments! As you noticed, the port is in a very early
> stage (so is flang itself, I think).

Yes, I know it new.  Thanks for packaging it up.  My attempt 
at building flang did not go to well. :-/

> The wrapper script is really more of a hack at the moment b/c the
> actual flang executable is unaware of the location of it's libraries
> and module files. So ideally I'd like ${PREFIX}/flang/bin/flang to
> "understand" where it's stuff is and what it needs.

I tried modifying your script to use LD_LIBRARY_PATH and
LS_RUN_PATH.  It seems flang doesn't understand these 
environmental variable.

> > % flang -c a.f90
> > clang-3.9: warning: -lflang: 'linker' input unused
> > clang-3.9: warning: -lflangmain: 'linker' input unused
> > clang-3.9: warning: -lflangrti: 'linker' input unused
> > clang-3.9: warning: -lexecinfo: 'linker' input unused
> > clang-3.9: warning: argument unused during compilation:
> > '-L/usr/local/flang/lib'
> > 
> > These warnings are complete nonsense and caused by the inclusion of
> > the libraries on the command line and the -L option.  This noise 
> > can be suppressed by inclusion of the -w option.
> Fully agreed on the nonsense part. Now -w suppresses all warnings,
> which I feel is more than the user may have bargained for?

I'll haven't checked, but was hoping that -w would disable all
warnings and then a user could specific warnings afterward.

> > 2) The port installs a number modules and include files in 
> > /usr/local/flang/include.  Flang cannot automatically find these 
> > files, so simple programs of the form
> > 
> > use iso_fortran_env
> > print *, real_kinds
> > end
> > 
> > fail.
> > 
> > % flang -o z a.f90
> > F90-F-0004-Unable to open MODULE file iso_fortran_env.mod (a.f90: 1)
> > F90/x86-64 FreeBSD Flang - 1.5 2017-05-01: compilation aborted
> > 
> > This can be fixed by requiring the user to know to add
> > -I/usr/local/flang/include to her command line.  A better
> > fix would be to include this option in the wrapper, so flang
> > can find the intrinsic modules.
> Happy to add that with the next update.

Thanks.  This will fix problems of building software out-of-box.

> > 3) flang cannot link static images.
> > 
> > % flang -o z -static a.f90 |& grep undefined | wc -l
> >      105
> > 
> > There are 105 undefined references because required libraries are
> > missing.  Here's just a few
> > 
> > /usr/ports/devel/flang/work/flang-a9ccdd7/runtime/flangrti/llcrit.c:(.text._mp_copyin_move_multiple+0x17):
> > undefined reference to
> > `__kmpc_global_thread_num' 
> > /usr/ports/devel/flang/work/flang-a9ccdd7/runtime/flangrti/llcrit.c:(.text._mp_copyin_move_multiple+0x45):
> > undefined reference to
> > `__kmpc_threadprivate_cached' 
> > /usr/ports/devel/flang/work/flang-a9ccdd7/runtime/flangrti/llcrit.c:(.text._mp_copyin_move_multiple+0x59):
> > undefined reference to
> > `__kmpc_threadprivate_cached' 
> > /usr/ports/devel/flang/work/flang-a9ccdd7/runtime/flangrti/llcrit.c:(.text._mp_copyin_move_multiple+0x8d):
> > undefined reference to `__kmpc_barrier'
> > 
> I am happy to add libompstub in general. I will add that I did not
> succeed in getting flang to execute a trivial OpenMP in parallel yet
> (it does however compile it w/ -fopenmp. So that's also something I
> want to fix.
> Also, I did not succeed in getting flang to link static images even
> after adding a few more libraries.

With static linking order of libaries matter.  I see if I can
work around the problem.  I use static linking with OpenMPI
programs.  I can broadcast the statically linked executable to
modes in my cluster and things just work.  Otherwise, I need to
make sure all nodes see the shared libraries across the network.

BTW, do you prefer emails to freebsd-ports and cc to jmd@
or simply direct emails to jmd@ with devel/flang?

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