Well you have a point however some ports require gpl software to compile
like opendnssec it is just a build requirement and not a run dependant. You
would need to speak with developers to have them change their software to
not depend on these restricted licenses.

As looking at the build system for opendnssec it requires gnugrep due to
flags it uses for grep.

On Apr 25, 2017 11:08 PM, "Dewayne Geraghty" <dewaynegerag...@gmail.com>

> The recent change to https://svnweb.freebsd.org/
> ports/head/dns/opendnssec13/
> Makefile?view=markup&pathrev=439426 which uses BSD3Clause, while gnugrep
> uses GPLv3+; reminded me of a customer's requirement to remove GPLv3 code
> from a device they needed.
> While attempting to satisfy a particular customer's requirement, it became
> apparent that I was also seeking compliance with the author's intent of
> using a less restrictive licence; yet it seems that some port
> maintainers/committers are unintentionally restricting the software by
> adding dependencies that add these restrictive licences/practises.  It
> would be better if such restrictions were optional, rather than mandatory
> as this opendnssec example, perhaps something similar to what is done in
> security/krb5-115 could be adopted as part of Standard Operating Practices
> (port maintainers guide?)
> For my client? A few scripts and a quick (recursive) search for GPL against
> their requirements list revealed the easy low-hanging fruit of replacing
> readline by libedit (in some cases removing both); and moving what used GPL
> source into a separate jail sufficed.
> Regards, Dewayne
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