In case it helps someone else, I had encountered the symptoms cited in
UPDATING entry 20170411, but the UPDATING entry didn't exist at the

So I poked around, and discovered that -- in my case -- the thing that
was apparently causing the problem was that lang/python27 had been built
with "SEM=off".

So I re-built lang/python27 after enabling its SEM option; that
done, www/firefox built without further incident.

(Checking the svn log for lang/python27/Makefile, it seems that SEM
had been changed to "default on" in r361735, 2014-07-14 00:20:40
-0700.  I had no known reason to change the setting at that time....)

David H. Wolfskill                    
Who would have thought that a "hotelier" would be so ... unwelcoming?  Sad.

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