
The 2017Q2 branch has been created. It means that the next update on the
quarterly packages will be on the 2017Q2 branch.

A lot of things happened in the last three months:
- pkg 1.10.1
- New USES: samba
- Default version of FPC switched to 3.0.2
- Default version of Linux on amd64 switched to c6_64
- Default version of Ruby switched to 2.3
- Default version of samba created at 4.4
- Firefox 52.0.2
- Firefox-esr 45.8.0
- Chromium 57.0.2987.110
- Ruby 2.3.3_1 -> 2.3.3_2 and 2.4.0 -> 2.4.1
- gcc 4.9.4
- Gnome 3.18.0
- Xorg server 1.18.4
- Qt4 4.8.7
- Qt5 5.7.1
- PHP 7.1 added
- Support for 9.3, 10.1 and 10.2 was removed, so the ports tree now requires
  defining ALLOW_UNSUPPORTED_SYSTEM on unsupported FreeBSD releases to
  major foot-shooting.
- USE_LOCALE was added to add LANG and LC_ALL environment variables to all
- EXTRA_PATCH_TREE allows adding patches in an out of tree hierarchy
- Behind the scenes
  - The do-patch target was extracted and simplified in a single shell
    (And many, many, bugs were discovered and fixed in the process.)
  - More helpful error messages on invalid SINGLE options
  - INSTALL_LIB and COPYTREE_SHARE now install as 644 and not 444
  - USE_OPENSSL was removed

Next quarterly package builds will start in the next 24 hours and
should be available on your closest mirrors few days later.

For those stat nerds out there, here's what happened during the last 3
months on head:
Number of commits: 6656
Number of committers:      167
Most active committers:
1502  sunpoet
 436  amdmi3
 281  jbeich
 174  antoine
 155  bapt
 148  swills
 139  vanilla
 133  olgeni
 118  wen
 117  mat
Diffstat: 17579 files changed, 276008 insertions(+), 200518 deletions(-)

and on the 2017Q1 branch:
Number of commits: 372
Number of committers:       52
Most active committers:
  87  jbeich
  26  feld
  24  junovitch
  22  riggs
  16  cpm
  13  sunpoet
  12  antoine
  12  amdmi3
  11  brnrd
  10  tz
Diffstat: 1835 files changed, 18834 insertions(+), 18191 deletions(-)


Mathieu Arnold

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