Hi. I am working on a new port for gitsome[1] which depends on python:3.4-3.5.
But it will fail on FreeBSD poudriere (building infrastructure) because some of its dependencies (at least 17) won't be build with python 3. What is the advice here ? Submit for each dependency [2] a py3-\* slave port ? Regards. [1] - http://dbaio.bs2cloud.com.br/FreeBSD/misc_py-gitsome.patch [2] textproc/py-pygments textproc/py-pystemmer textproc/py-alabaster textproc/py-snowballstemmer devel/py-six textproc/py-docutils devel/py-wcwidth graphics/py-imagesize textproc/py-sphinx_rtd_theme devel/py-colorama textproc/py-feedparser devel/py-docopt devel/py-ply textproc/py-sphinx net/py-uritemplate devel/py-prompt_toolkit textproc/py-numpydoc -- Danilo G. Baio (dbaio)
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