You could also (take backups at suitable points along the way and):
* Install the misc/compat10x port.
* Upgrade the base FreeBSD system (i.e., not ports) from 10.x to 11.
  Your ports SHOULD all still work at this point, because of the compat
  10x libraries the compoat10x port installed.
* As time permits, use your favorite package-building tool to build
  custom packages.
* Once all the packages are built, replace all of the installed ports
  with the newly-built packages.
* Once you're happy with the way things are working, remove the
  misc/compat10x port (as long as nothing needs it -- which SHOULD
  be the case by this point).

David H. Wolfskill                    
How could one possibly "respect" a misogynist, racist, bullying con-man??!?

See for my public key.

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