On 22/01/2017 09:36, Kurt Jaeger wrote:
> # pkg delete pkg
> pkg: warning: database version 34 is newer than libpkg(3) version 33, but 
> still compatible
> pkg: sqlite error while executing INSERT OR ROLLBACK INTO pkg_search(id, 
> name, origin) VALUES (?1, ?2 || '-' || ?3, ?4); in file pkgdb.c:1544: no such 
> table: pkg_search
> I've tried to create the table pkg_search using sqlite3, but:
> CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE pkg_search USING fts4(id, name, origin);
> Error: vtable constructor failed: pkg_search
> Any ideas on how to proceed ?

Do you have a backup of your pkg database?  If not, make one now.

This looks like you have downgraded pkg(8) at some point -- it's
complaining because the DB schema is more advanced that what it is
expecting.  You should be able to do that, since the DB schema is meant
to be kept compatible between different versions, but it looks like
there may have been a failure to do that.

Easiest way out here is to upgrade to the latest version of pkg(8).

Failing that, you'ld need to take heroic measures to rebuild your pkg
database using a DB schema compatible with your version of pkg.  One way
to do that is to move aside your existing pkg DB, initialise a new empty
DB and then re-install all of the packages on your system.



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