Am 05.01.2017 um 22:29 schrieb abi:
> On 05.01.2017 22:12, Grzegorz Junka wrote:
>> On 01/01/2017 17:28, abi wrote:
>>> On 01.01.2017 18:28, Grzegorz Junka wrote:
>>>> I am using FreeBSD 10.3 x64. I understand that to run Windows
>>>> applications on that configuration I can use only one of the following:
>>>> 1. playonbsd-4.2.10_1
>>>> 2. wine-staging-2.0.r3_1,1
>>>> 3. i386-wine-staging-2.0.r3_1,1
>>>> 4. wine-devel-2.0.r3_1,1
>>>> 5. i386-wine-devel-2.0.r3_1,1
>>>> 6. wine-1.8.6,1
>>>> 7. i386-wine-1.8.6,1
>>>> Currently I have installed playonbsd, which is good but it seems
>>>> that not all applications I would like to install can be installed
>>>> on it.
>>>> Which one of those options would give me the most compatibility with
>>>> office-type and multimedia applications (e.g. DVD player, SoftPhone,
>>>> applications that access USB), not necessarily games?
>>>> Should I prefer some of these ports over others for my x64 system?
>>>> When switching from one port to another (e.g. wine to playonbsd) can
>>>> I keep the currently installed Windows applications or I would need
>>>> to reinstall any of the applications/libraries installed on the
>>>> previous version?
>>>> It seems that front-end ports (q4wine, swine) default to 4. from the
>>>> list (wine-devel-2.0.r3_1,1). Is there any reason for that? Can they
>>>> run without problems on a x64 system?
>>>> Many thanks for any insights.
>>> Probably you need i386-wine-devel and emulators/winetricks
>>> playonbsd is a wrapper for wine. No need to use it at all, just get
>>> installer for you program, create new wineprefix and install software
>>> into it
>>> Personally, I make 1 wineprefix for 1 program (or program group ) with
>>> env WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.local/share/wineprefixes/ck2 wineboot
>>> sandbox it with winetricks if needed
>>> copy installer into $HOME/.local/share/wineprefixes/ck2/drive_c/Distr
>>> env WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.local/share/wineprefixes/ck2 wine cmd
>>> navigate to Distr and run installer
>>> ck2 is example prefix for crusader kings II. I love Paradox games :P
>> Thank you for the tips. Any reason why I shouldn't be using the x64
>> versions? And also, wasn't playonbsd designed to give a greater
>> compatibility with Windows applications? What benefit is it to use
>> playonbsd over normal wine with winetricks then? I mean, why is it in
>> ports?
> x64 version lacks WoW subsystem, so it can't execute 32-bit programs at
> all. playonbsd can't give greater compatibility as it's wrapper for
> wine. It can set compatibility options or install common software,
> however you can find your program in wine database and look for recipes
> yourself. I doubt playonbsd tracks wine precisely, wine changes too
> fast, so probably not all recipes are up to date and it's not very
> complex to do all steps manually after all. Why it's in port is a
> rhetoric question, ports are user driven. Maybe someone like it or maybe
> maintainer is a developer. I dunno, but ability to choose is always for
> good.

Thank you for your replies to Grzegorz - I have some minor points to

PlayOnLinux had hooks for FreeBSD, which never worked. The port fixes
assumptions that don't apply to FreeBSD, but it diverges somewhat from
the way, PlayOnLinux behaves. But the port versions is working, AFAIK.

PlayOnLinux assumes, that any Wine version configured into the install
script of some supported Windows application package can be fetched and
installed in the user's home directory. This is not how FreeBSD packages
are installed - in fact, FreeBSD does not support the installation of
multiple Wine versions side by side, but assumes, that there are no
critical recessions and always uses the latest (stable or devel) Wine
as found in the corresponding ports.

Therefore, some of the further settings per Windows package may be too
conservative, since they apply only to the old WIne version that was
used when the PlayOnLinux install script for that package was created.
(If the old Wine version required use of a native Windows DLL instead
of one provided by Wine, this may have long been fixed in the current
Wine version, used on FreeBSD.)

You can consider PlayOnBSD as a tool that allows to install Windows
packages with settings tested by the PlayOnLinux community, without the
user being aware of such a requirement to start Wine with specific

So, yes, winetricks will allow to acchieve similar results to PlayOnBSD,
but may need more experience to use it.

I've tested the installation of several Windows applications (e.g.
MS-Office 2010, mp3tag, some simple games) and they worked without any
manual tweaking.

Best regards, STefan
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