On 29/12/2016 13:21, Alexey Dokuchaev wrote: > Hence there're two questions: > > 1) $subj > 2) Is it OK to add `mailnull' to /usr/ports/UIDs similar to `smmsp'? Or, > 3) every port should not abuse default system users and create their own?
Given the mailnull user exists as part of the base system (and in DFly too), you don't need to add anything to a generated pkg to create that UID. So you can just set file ownership to mailnull in pkg-plist or run daemons as the mailnull user from your rc script without having to add a USERS or GROUPS line to your port Makefile. However, adding it to your Makefile (and inter-alia to UIDs) should do no harm -- see the setting for USERS_BLACKLIST in bsd.port.mk Existing practise seems pretty inconsistent. The only port that has USERS=smmsp is mail/sendmail, but several other ports use the smmsp user. Contrarywise none of the dns/bindNNN ports have USERS=bind, but three other ports do: dns/credns, dns/curvedns and dns/maradns none of which have anything to do with bind other than they implement DNS stuff. Cheers, Matthew
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