> Here, it doesn't look like that. Don't forget that /usr/ports/distfiles
> accumulates old versions and must be manually cleaned out from time to
> time.  portmaster has a couple of options to remove distfiles that are
> not needed.
> % du -hd0 /usr/ports
> 8.1G    /usr/ports
> % du -hd0 /usr/ports/distfiles
> 6.5G    /usr/ports/distfiles
> After copying that to /tmp and deleting distfiles entirely:
> % du -hd0 /tmp/usr/ports
> 1.4G    /tmp/usr/ports

Well, I know that, I were trying to tell that portsnap(8) is fetching
HEAD by default and I didn't find any way to change that behavior. So
the only way to pick another branch would be fetching the entire svn
repository. I need it for development purposes also, so anyway I'd have
to do that.

But the size of the svn repository causes pure pain. Subversion is not
intended for development style that requires keeping lots of branches
and tags. Everyone knows that. At the moment, the repository takes
~/> du -h ports-fbsdsvn/
 42G    ports-fbsdsvn/

In git, Mercurial, bazaar, well, any modern version control system you
can create tons of branches, tags without wasting space or time.


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