
Thanks for the info.

On Wed, 14 Dec 2016 05:32:36 +0900,
Julian H. Stacey wrote:
> Hi ports@
> IMO No port should need root for
>       cd /usr/ports; make -i fetch
> The first one that broke for me was databases/mysql-q4m
> (OK might be others before, but I have DUDS =
>        arabic biology chinese hebrew hungarian japanese korean
>        polish portuguese russian ukrainian vietnamese games demime
>        majordomo acroreadwrapper acroread9 chimera dosbox emil
>        firefox freerdp gimp-app gv libcue mp3splt-gtk nut opera
>        ripit vlc xorg xsane
> )
> (MAINTAINER CC'd) but there's more ports beyond, usually because
> some ports also go berserk & install, or mabe install dependents.

Having the dependency as FETCH_DEPENDS [*] was not my idea, but that
was for a reason: you should not fetch a file while building a port.

* https://svnweb.freebsd.org/ports/head/databases/mysql-q4m/Makefile#rev297196

And you are making a point here: you should not build a port (which
involves installing its build dependencies as root) while fetching a

These two demands cannot be easily satisfied at the same time, and I
believe that in general, the idea of FETCH_DEPENDS implies that
fetching may require the root privilege.  For example, if the distfile
were only available via some weird protocol that any standard tool in
the base system cannot speak, then you'd need to install a tool for
that from another port as root.  I admit that the use of FETCH_DEPENDS
in this particular port might be an abuse of the feature, but still,
you should note that fetching in general is not always a root-free

Perhaps copying mysql-server's build dependencies to mysql-q4m may
mitigate the issue here, but that does not seem quite right
considering the cost for maintenance.

What do you think?

Akinori MUSHA / https://akinori.org/

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