On 12/12/2016 23:14, scratch65...@att.net wrote:
[Default] On Mon, 12 Dec 2016 17:01:33 +1030, Shane Ambler
<free...@shaneware.biz> wrote:
The quarterly ports has been setup for a couple of years but doesn't
seem to be documented well, or it just isn't obvious to find. You can
use svn to checkout a stable branch by specifying a branch name, such as
ports/branches/2016Q4 instead of ports/head. You can also adjust pkg to
use the quarterly ports by changing the pkg repo URL from
pkg.FreeBSD.org/${ABI}/latest to pkg.FreeBSD.org/${ABI}/quarterly
That's interesting. The ones that break on me are the ones I get
from portsnap. Does portsnap tap quarterly or something else?
Pretty sure portsnap gets snapshots from HEAD. Don't see a way to set
quarterly for it, so svn would be needed to get a quarterly ports tree.
It would mostly be a matter of timing, a snapshot is made for portsnap
and a pkg build is started. By the time the pkg repo is built (a day?
two?) a new snapshot would be in use by portsnap so it would never be in
sync with the pkg repo.
It might be worth changing defaults to use quarterly for both portsnap
and pkg. An average user shouldn't have issues to only getting new
versions every three months, for those that want to stay on the cutting
edge a few settings can be changed to use HEAD and/or latest.
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Shane Ambler
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