On Wed, 31 Aug 2016 12:17:43 +0100
"James A. McGuire" <j.a.mcgu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi there,
> Since no-ip introduced their policy to remove non-updated subdomains
> every 30 days.  I have to manually go to the no-ip website and
> confirm that I wish to keep my subdomain.  I believe the reason for
> this is that my ISP is only updating my dynamic IP address every
> 60-90 days, and I believe that the no-ip client is therefore not
> sending updates to no-ip.

"Free Dynamic DNS hosts must be confirmed every 30 days or they will be
deleted. This policy helps keep our network free of unused hostnames.

To avoid your hostname going into pending deletion, you can do any of
the below:
 - Manually Confirm Your Hostname (...) Simply login to your
   No-IP account and click Dynamic DNS on the left navigation. Next,
   click Confirm next to the hostname you would like to confirm (...)
 - Upgrade to Enhanced Dynamic DNS or Plus Managed DNS"


As far as I'm aware, confirmation has nothing to do with IP updates.
One of my .noip.me hosts changes IP address on an hourly basis, yet I
still have to click confirmation link every 30 days in order to keep it

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After  enlightenment - chop wood, draw water.

Marko Cupać
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