On 07/26/2016 12:13 PM, Thierry Thomas wrote:
> Le mar 26 jul 16 à 18:57:16 +0200, Montgomery-Smith, Stephen 
> <step...@missouri.edu>
>  écrivait :
>> Currently the ports math/vtk6 and science/paraview both try to install 
>> the same file: share/cmake/hdf5/libhdf5.settings.  It is described in 
>> this bug report.
>> https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=211334
>> My proposed solution is that each port only installs the file if it 
>> doesn't already exist, and only deinstalls the file if it installed it. 
>> I am planning to figure out some kind of @exec solution for the pkg-plist.
>> Has anyone already solved this problem in other situations?  I prefer 
>> not to reinvent something if good solutions already exist.
>> Failing that, does anyone have good ideas on how to do this, or even 
>> alternative solutions?
> This file is already installed by the port science/hdf5, but under
> $PREFIX/lib.
> I would suggest to:
> - modify science/hdf5 to create a symlink under share/cmake/hdf5
> - patch math/vtk6 and science/paraview to not install this file.
> Regards,

math/vtk6 doesn't call hdf5 as a dependency, since it uses it's own home
grown version.  science/paraview does have hdf5 as a dependency, but I
don't know if it actually needs it.

One possibility is to simply delete share/cmake/hdf5/libhdf5.settings
from the pkg-plist for math/vtk6.  What does itdo anyway?


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