It's a set of integers separated by dots, not a floating-point number
(even less when there are 2 dots), so he 4.04 != 4.4 comparison doesn't
apply here, it is (4, 04, 0) == (4, 4, 0).
Anyway the issue here - if there is one - is with GNU Screen, not the port.

On 2016-07-18 15:28:02, tech-lists <> wrote:

> On 18/07/2016 14:27, Pierre Guinoiseau wrote:
> > Why do you think there is a problem? 4.04.00 == 4.4.0 (and not 4.0.4),
> > everything is fine, just ignore the leading zeros. ;)
> That makes no sense and is inconsistent WRT other numbering and
> versioning. $4.04 is not $4.4 - applying leading zeros inconsistently in
> a versioning string is stupid.
> -- 
> J.
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Pierre Guinoiseau <> | +PierreGuinoiseau | @peikk00

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