Forgot to include freebsd-ports on my reply

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Re: svn commit: r418098 - head/misc/py-socli
Date: Wed, 6 Jul 2016 19:02:44 +1000
From: Kubilay Kocak <>
CC: Carlos J. Puga Medina <>

On 6/07/2016 3:58 AM, Carlos J. Puga Medina wrote:
> Author: cpm
> Date: Tue Jul  5 17:58:37 2016
> New Revision: 418098
> URL:
> Log:
>   - Update to 1.8 release
>   - Change USES=python:3 to USES=python because python2 support has been added
>   - Remove ignore on package buiders

A note for future reference and for others watching:

USES=python, USES=python:2, and USES=python:3 have only ever, and
continue only to mean:

Depend on the lang/python, lang/python2 or lang/python3 *metaports*,
because it depends on the python, python2 or python3 *symlinks*, because
some script it has or runs uses that script filename.

It does *not* mean "all/any Python versions", "supports any 2.x
version", "any 3.x version" or anything else about the Python version(s)
it supports.

In particular, this means the use of USES=python to mean "any/all
versions" in the vast majority, if not all ports is incorrect.

Note: these "dependencies" can often (if not always) be removed by
shebangfix'ing the files in question to use an explicit pythonX.Y script
(making them PEP-394 compatible).

The correct way to declare Python version support in a port is to
explicitly, declaratively and accurately as possible (given the
limitations below) list them using:

* A.B-X.Y
* -X.Y
* X.Y+
* X.Y

Ideally, they are declared identically to the versions listed in the, such as:

Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6
Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.2
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5

Unfortunately, we can't currently declare multiple versions (that aren't
ranges), such as A.B,A.C,X.Y, which we need.

It would be awesome if someone could help expand the syntax, so we can
actually start doing proper, correct and accurate version support

Moving forward, we need better ways to declare "supports X, Y, Z
versions *and* this or these symlinks (metaports), and we need to move
to only explicitly listing supported versions, rather than implicitly.

In the meantime, you can help by minimizing the use of USES=python,
USES=python:2 and python:3 unless its absolutely required, or there is
no better method.

I'll write this up in the Python wiki pages, feel free to reply off-list
if you have any questions or if you want to help


>   Reviewed by:        feld (mentor)
>   Approved by:        feld (mentor)
>   Differential Revision:      D7099
> Modified:
>   head/misc/py-socli/Makefile
>   head/misc/py-socli/distinfo
> Modified: head/misc/py-socli/Makefile
> ==============================================================================
> --- head/misc/py-socli/Makefile       Tue Jul  5 17:57:42 2016        
> (r418097)
> +++ head/misc/py-socli/Makefile       Tue Jul  5 17:58:37 2016        
> (r418098)
> @@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
>  # $FreeBSD$
>  PORTNAME=    socli
> -PORTREVISION=        1
>  CATEGORIES=  misc python
> @@ -16,7 +15,7 @@ LICENSE_FILE=       ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE
>  RUN_DEPENDS= ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}beautifulsoup>=0:www/py-beautifulsoup \
>               ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}requests>=0:www/py-requests
> -USES=                python:3
> +USES=                python
>  USE_GITHUB=  yes
>  USE_PYTHON=  autoplist distutils
> @@ -24,10 +23,4 @@ GH_ACCOUNT=        gautamkrishnar
>  NO_ARCH=     yes
> -.include <>
> -
> -IGNORE= you have python ${PYTHON_DEFAULT} set as the default, and this needs 
> -.endif
> -
> -.include <>
> +.include <>
> Modified: head/misc/py-socli/distinfo
> ==============================================================================
> --- head/misc/py-socli/distinfo       Tue Jul  5 17:57:42 2016        
> (r418097)
> +++ head/misc/py-socli/distinfo       Tue Jul  5 17:58:37 2016        
> (r418098)
> @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
> -TIMESTAMP = 1466859233
> -SHA256 (gautamkrishnar-socli-1.7_GH0.tar.gz) = 
> ce927f38a72468ed1f5a34b4d72ee1911475fa267cce82a2baeebd92f97c563f
> -SIZE (gautamkrishnar-socli-1.7_GH0.tar.gz) = 7151
> +TIMESTAMP = 1467672057
> +SHA256 (gautamkrishnar-socli-1.8_GH0.tar.gz) = 
> f3e462a0b5a9ce2ccf945be3a0500e37dc8c8bad293bfc12841d097a637c62d2
> +SIZE (gautamkrishnar-socli-1.8_GH0.tar.gz) = 7406

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