On 04/07/2016 07:22, Wojciech Puchar wrote:
i don't normally use java but have to for starting server remote
i use firefox and installed icedtea-web.
this page
executes icedtea plugin and shows java is working properly.
Now i want to start remote console. it downloads launch.jnlp file.
i tried to run it with itweb-javaws and after loading software i'm
no iKVM64 in java.library.path
any idea? Thanks
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Forget about icedtea-web. You will need the official Oracle JDK
java/linux-oracle-jdk18, which only works through Linux emulation. On my
system it installed java/javavmwrapper to which javaws points to:
root@crayon2:~ # which javaws
root@crayon2:~ # l /usr/local/bin/java
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 21 2 Mar 01:08 /usr/local/bin/java ->
root@crayon2:~ # pkg which /usr/local/bin/javavm
/usr/local/bin/javavm was installed by package javavmwrapper-2.5
I tried to configure the jnlp file to work with icedtea-web but
unsuccessfully. Please let us know if you manage to do it.
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