[Sorry for this re-send, I feel we need to re-send thisto ports@ so the
discussion goes to a public and archived list.]

Am 27.06.2016 um 10:16 schrieb Mathieu Arnold:
> +--On 27 juin 2016 16:10:36 +0800 Marcelo Araujo <araujobsdp...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> | 2016-06-27 16:02 GMT+08:00 Mathieu Arnold <m...@freebsd.org>:
> |> | Read here for reference:
> |> | 
> |> https://www.freebsd.org/doc/en/books/porters-handbook/makefile-maintainer
> |> | .html
> |> 
> |> That pages says, exactly the opposite of what you are trying to says:
> |> 
> | 
> | No it doesn't!
> | 
> | And this is the normal workflow:
> | 1) Port has a maintainer, and it needs update.
> | 2) Open a PR with the patch.
> | 3) After 2 weeks, and with timeout; anybody can commit it.
> | 
> | 
> | And about the ownership and belong to the community, I do believe in that,
> | that is the basic in a legal point of view.
> That page says that the maintainer has to be consulted, except for changes
> covered by the blanket approval, where the change can be committed
> immediately.
> In this case, Sunpoet had every right to commit the thing he did without
> asking or notifying the maintainer.

TL;DR given at the very end.

1. Given the portmgr@ rules, that is our current policy, that portmgr@
as the overseers of the ports system have delegated, by the blanket
approval, part of their ultimate responsibility to the public.

2. What I was meaning to state was that (and I'll not pick at the kind
soul who has modernized the port) we should only apply the blanket
approval if ports have fallen into disrepair.

2b. This was not the case with db6, the port wasn't known broken to me,
so why do we permit and encourage going the fast path for changes that
do not /repair/ a port (for instance, if it's not building, to fix
misspellings), and I'm surprised because some two months ago, it has
already gone through a modernization round after gahr's PR,
<https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=208740>, that also
combined a feature addition and required a bit more work to get right,
see changesets 415741 and 415743.

3. What would have been bad about filing a PR in this case?

The argument "maintainers aren't doing it" is covered by the maintainer
timeout.  Anything that does not need the fast path should go through
some form of review, most naturally through a PR filed to the port's

4. Do we need to tighten up the set of required tests a committed does
before committing non-maintainer updates?

I'm scratching my head over this one since the failure in r417590 that
got remedied in r417595 was rather peculiar, and I'm not sure if anyone,
including myself, would have figured that out.  It might have slipped
through the cracks even if I'd reviewed it.

4b. It's probably better to extend the committer's guide and/or porter's
handbook and have a list of test recommendations where we list things
that trigger a certain test requirement.  I. e. things to test IN
ADDITION to the usual "poudriere testport" or "make DEVELOPER=yes clean
all check-plist package" and portlint coverage.  Meaning that if someone
tweaks any of the WRK* and *DIR/*SRC-related variables, "also test 'make
clean extract do-patch makepatch' on a copy of the port directory" or

There seem to be at least two distinct camps, in one camp, maintainers
go along Marcelo's and my trains of thought, in the other, maintainers
cherish fast and low-ceremony progress, marino has argued along these
lines, and some other portmgr@ members have pushed for progress in the

I don't mean to bikeshed or split up our project here, just refine our
existing policies.

TL;DR:  I propose:

- the blanket approval should be tightened up a bit and encourage that
non-trivial and non-urgent changes go through the PR and invoke
mantainer timeout after the shortest possible period.

- we discuss about an assisting set of "change these variables
foo.*regexp, and you also need to test 'make foo' and 'make bar'" rules
in the form of a concise list.

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