On Thursday, 12 May 2016, Ed Maste <ema...@freebsd.org> wrote:

> Baptiste and I have been looking at reproducible builds in the FreeBSD
> ports tree, and one thing we'll need is a consistent timestamp that
> doesn't change when a port is rebuilt without changes.
> We considered a few different ideas, and have settled on experimenting
> with the time 'make makesum' is run.

Hi Ed,

Thanks for the heads up.

Quick question: is there now an expectation that each time a port is
changed the timestamp should be updated?

I.e. If a port changes in a way which does not change the distfiles, are we
supposed to run "make makesum" again anyway to record it has changed?

Or is the timestamp only supposed to change when the port is updates /
distfiles change?



From: Benjamin Woods
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