Don Lewis wrote:
On 27 Apr, Michelle Sullivan wrote:
Don Lewis wrote:
On 27 Apr, Michelle Sullivan wrote:
Don Lewis wrote:
On 27 Apr, Rick Miller wrote:
On Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 12:53 PM, Michelle Sullivan <>

Kevin Oberman wrote:

On Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 8:06 AM, Michelle Sullivan <>

After a portsnap update it seems all my jails won't build the current tree
returning the following error:

====>> MOVED: sysutils/puppet renamed to sysutils/puppet38
====>> MOVED: textproc/rubygem-augeas renamed to

====>> Computing deps for converters/libiconv
====>> Computing deps for archivers/unzip
====>> Error: Invalid port origin '/usr/local/bin/ccache' not found.
====>> Error: Invalid port origin '/usr/local/bin/ccache' not found.

====>> Computing deps for converters/p5-Encode
====>> Computing deps for converters/p5-Convert-BinHex
====>> Computing deps for converters/p5-Encode-Locale
====>> Error: Invalid port origin '/usr/local/bin/ccache' not found.
====>> Error: Invalid port origin '/usr/local/bin/ccache' not found.
====>> Error: Invalid port origin '/usr/local/bin/ccache' not found.
====>> Computing deps for converters/p5-JSON-PP
====>> Computing deps for converters/p5-JSON
====>> Computing deps for converters/p5-JSON-XS
====>> Error: Invalid port origin '/usr/local/bin/ccache' not found.
====>> Error: Invalid port origin '/usr/local/bin/ccache' not found.
====>> Error: Invalid port origin '/usr/local/bin/ccache' not found.

====>> Computing deps for converters/p5-Text-Iconv
====>> Error: Invalid port origin '/usr/local/bin/ccache' not found.
====>> Computing deps for databases/ip4r
====>> Computing deps for databases/gdbm
====>> Error: Invalid port origin '/usr/local/bin/ccache' not found.
====>> Computing deps for databases/p5-Bucardo
====>> Error: Invalid port origin '/usr/local/bin/ccache' not found.

====>> Cleaning up
====>> Error: Invalid port origin '/usr/local/bin/ccache' not found.
====>> Computing deps for databases/p5-DBD-Pg
====>> Error: Invalid port origin '/usr/local/bin/ccache' not found.
====>> Computing deps for databases/memcached
====>> Error: Invalid port origin '/usr/local/bin/automake-1.15' not
====>> Umounting file systems

Checked updating but don't see anything to suggest that port origins of
'/usr/local/bin/ccache' are normal..
It looks like you're building with Poudriere.  I observed similar behavior,
but not the exact message the other day.  I don't remember what origin it
was complaining about, but located a post (either on a mailing list or
forums) recommending a `pkg install poudriere`.  It did resolve the problem
in this particular scenario.
This is probably caused by the recent change to globally drop
${PORTSDIR} from *_DEPENDS.  The framework changes initially were done
in r399278, but the the actual removal of ${PORTSDIR} didn't
happen until r411970, r412342, ...

Ok that sorta makes a bit more sense... however as this is a jail and
the tree is updated why did it break?  (I have no local mods in the 'ng'
build tree - except an additional (local only) couple of ports which are
copied in manually after the portsnap update)...

Of course the nice thing is my non-ng tree is still working 100% - but
that would be because it didn't get the change... but again that's a
completely separate tree and the 2 are not associated with each other in
any way...
I was assuming that this was your non-ng tree where you have local
framework changes ...
No, completely separate repo as the new trees are constantly breaking my
tree so I keep them entirely separate.
Did you upgrade ports from something older than r411970 (Sun Mar 27
01:23:25 2016 UTC)
It would have been around march I did the last build so yes probably
prior to Mar 27.

   to something more recent?
To the latest.
   If poudriere on your host
is seriously old, it might not cope with the framework change.  It looks
like you need at least 3.1.9, which was released on Wed Oct 14 21:06:00
2015 UTC.
Yeah, 3.1.x changes the base OS without authority and breaks the entire
build system (can't build anything but the official tree in it) so it's
been deemed a security issue (because it "upgrades" the existing
repositories) and therefore cannot be installed or used on any of the
existing build servers.
Sorry, this is all from memory ... my poudriere machine will be offline
for several more hours so I can't use it as a reference.

Poudriere shouldn't be changing anything in the base OS.  It probably
creates some temp files under /tmp and puts the package repositories
that I builds and the log files under its own directories under

Unfortunately the first thing that 3.1.[012]? did was install all the pkg stuff and change the pkg_add repo into a pkg repo... or something like it, which broke everything horribly.. it was a long time ago so no idea the specifics now... but it (3.1.x) was put on a 'not suitable for use due to security issues' list.

You should be able to build as many different ports trees as you want
and they can be downloaded via portsnap or svn, or created by hand.
I think I've got 4-6 ports trees that I use with poudriere.
Which I have 2 currently - one which is 'HEAD' and the other which is my 'pkg_*' tools tree (up to date - mostly).

The repository that gets updated by a poudriere run is named
with a combination of the jail name, the ports tree name, and the set
name (-z option).  The latter can be use to select an alternate
make.conf to set different port options.

Yes, however 3.1.x 'updated' the repo from pkg_* to something like pkgng - it was completely f**ked though... basically had to erase everything, downgrade and reinstall everything to get it back to a 'will build both trees' state.

Question is why would it be needed?  Surely the tree is the tree in the
jail and has nothing to do with the host?  or is it not a case of
everything is done in the jail, just the actual building is and
therefore I need new build servers for the NG tree.. Which basically
means I should just decide to fork or erase the whole system because I
can't "NG" right now and I can't actually continue to build in parallel
because of this breakage?
Only the actual building is done in jails.  When poudriere first starts
up, it looks at the list of ports that you want to build and then uses
the Makefiles for each of those ports to determine the dependencies of
each and the proper build order.

That doesn't make sense... the host has for months been well behind both my tree and the ng trees... all the versions would be way out of whack and even some not existing (ruby comes to mind.)

   It then deletes all of the outdated
packages (I'm not sure if they actually get deleted from the repository
at this port or just flagged), starts up all of the jails for the build
(the ports tree is read-only mounted in each jail and each jail has its
own private copy of the base jail prototype), and then starts building.
When the building is done, then the package repository is updated.


The ports tree used by each build jail is not related to any ports tree
on the host (unless you do something like "poudriere ports -c -F -f none
-M /usr/ports -p systemports", see
It's possible to run poudriere without having /usr/ports installed on
the host.

Will check this - if it mounts the local copy of the tree this would probably fix it.

If you think this is a security risk, you could run poudriere in a VM.
They already are in VMs.. but if poudriere make modifications to the OS then it is a security issue. If it modifies/builds packages that's fine.

... let me expand on that ... anything that modifies something in the base OS unless specifically designed and approved to interact with the OS (eg puppet) then as far as I am concerned (and my employer) it's a security risk. Can't have things willy nilly changing the OS, it will eventually break stuff and that could cause/lead to production outages... it's just not done.


Michelle Sullivan

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